One of the many confusions that men have is where to go to meet women.  I mean,  if you don't know where to go to meet someone,  then you really don't stand much chance at mastering your social life,  do you?  There are many places that a guy can go to meet women,  but I am going to help you brainstorm a few that should help you figure out what to do.

1)  Online dating websites.

These are always going to be a good option,  I just would not make it your ONLY option.  I think that is the mistake that men make when they try to use a dating site.  It becomes their only option and if they don't succeed there,  they don't feel like they are going to succeed anywhere.  Like anything else,  it all depends on the women that you meet and the way that you present yourself.  If you don't present yourself like a guy who is interesting and who can give a woman some fun,  then you probably are not going to have much success at all even if there are tons of women in your area that you can choose from.

2)  Your local bar scene.

We all know that this is an option,  it's just that most guys don't choose the right bars.  They go where the guys hang out,  not where the women hang out.  When you are trying to meet women at bars,  you have to go where they go.  That may mean that you end up at the kind of bar that you normally would not go to,  but that is more than worth it if you are able to end up meeting a woman you can have a relationship with,  right?

3)  Other cities nearby.

This is an option that most guys are not going to explore.  They would rather complain about the fact that they cannot meet women and they won't do a thing about it.  If you are SERIOUS about meeting women,  then you are going to have to sometimes travel to where the women are.  If that means that you need to drive an hour away,  then so be it.  You might just find that going an hour or two away opens up new doors for you and allows you to meet women you would not have had you not ventured outside of your city.
When you like a woman,  whether you already know her or she has just caught your eye,  you really don't have much of a chance of attracting her if she doesn't know you exist.  I've had talks with guys who will tell me about their "crush" that they have and one of the first things that I always ask is,  does she even know you?

The reason is simple.  She might end up thinking that you are AWESOME,  the perfect guy if she knows you.  You might find that getting her to go out on a date with you is dead easy... if she knows who you are.

On the other hand,  if she doesn't even know that you are alive...

You don't have a snowball's chance in hell.

What can you do to make sure that you are known to a woman?

  • Talk to her
  • Make eye contact with her long enough that she sees you,  but not long enough that you look like the crazy guy leering at her.
  • Talk to her
Yeah,  I put talk to her twice for a reason.  The way that you make yourself known to a woman is dead simple.

You talk to her.  Say what's up,  tell her your name,  whatever.

Just talk to her.

There are guys that will do all sorts of funny stuff to try and get a woman to notice them.  They will act like a fool,  they will dress like a clown,  when all they have to do is gather up the balls to walk over to her and talk to her.

Let the other guys do the foolish stuff.

While they are trying to make themselves known to a woman... you'll be actually doing it.

Some guys like to sweat the little things.  They focus in on one little detail and they become obsessed with it.  That's not a way to live,  in my opinion.  I've dealt with guys who wanted to know things like should they be friends with an ex girlfriend on Facebook and you know what?

While I understand the concern,   when you look at it from a bigger picture perspective...

You'll see that it doesn't really make sense to be too concerned with something like that.  Not when there is a much bigger picture involved.  In the example of a guy wanting to know about being friends with an ex girlfriend on Facebook,  the bigger picture is that they are still usually in love with her and that is what the real issue is.

Problem is,  when you sweat the little things,  you usually lose the energy that you could have spent on something bigger and better.

A guy who is concerned about Facebook should probably be more concerned with his overall dating life and not just with a simple site that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

That's not the only time that I see guys sweating the small stuff.  Even something like worrying about what shirt to wear to a club is really not that big of a thing if what you are trying to do is attract a woman.  The style of the shirt doesn't matter one bit if you don't have the skill to talk to a woman or if you don't have the courage to even approach a woman.

Trust me,  very few situations hinge on something so small.  Especially when it comes to something like dating or meeting women.
In today's world,  a lot of relationships start off at the work place.  There really isn't any reason why that should not be one of the many options that you are exploring if you want to get a girlfriend.  However,  there are some things that you need to think about before you start to hit on that hottie you have your eye on at the job.

Things like:

  1. Will it get weird for you or for her if you ask her out and she says no to you?
  2. Will you be able to break up with her if you realize that she's not really someone you want to be in a long term relationship with?
  3. Can you handle it if you are dating her and you see another co worker flirting with her a bit?

There is plenty of drama that can come with dating a female co worker.  You have to realize that before you get into any work place dating situation.  As long as you can handle what comes with the territory,  then there shouldn't be any reason why you can't date someone at work.

Just make sure that you aren't going to lose your job over it.