I actually don't have a lot to say today,  but I did come across an article on Psychology Today that is worth a read.  It's from a clinical psychologist,  so if you are one of those guys who really wants to get a clinical look at what a woman might find attractive,  it's worth checking out.  Having a glance,  I'd say that there are some things that I agree with and some that don't seem to ring so true to me as far as my experience with women goes.  Still,  it's worth a look,  so here it is: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/head-games/201303/what-women-find-sexy

Most guys who get into the idea of learning how to attract and seduce women seem to only want to get their information from guys and mostly from guys with no psychology background and no clinical background.  I think that is okay,  but I also think that you should check out what women have to say about attraction,  they aren't all oblivious to what is going on when they are attracted to a man.  And to get some advice or some insight from research can be good,  though you do have to be careful because some of the time,  the way that they set the research up is too clinical and not at all like what happens in the real world.

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