Can you be a bad boy and still do the relationship thing with a woman you really like?

I think you can.  I don't see why not.  There are plenty of high profile bad boys that find that one woman that they just feel that magic with and they don't think twice about doing the relationship thing. 

For most guys,  that's kind of the whole point.

To have the skills to attract your dream girl and then end up being suave enough that you can keep her attracted to you.

If that is going to happen...

You have to maintain your status.

You can't be the bad boy when you are just having some fun and then go to being a total wuss with a woman once you become her steady boyfriend.

That's something that you have to fight.

A lot of guys wonder why they end up losing their girlfriend when they think that they are doing all of the right things.  What they usually have ended up doing is all of the wussy things and they lost that edge that she dug when she first met him.

You don't want that to happen,  or else you'll end up single again and wondering what you did wrong.

Maintain your status.  That doesn't mean that you can't do sweet things for her now and again.  You totally can if you also still have that edge that she was attracted to in the first place.

It's when that edge wears off that the sparks start to die out and the relationship comes to an end.

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