As a man, young or old, you ought to be concerned with the state of your skin. Many men seem like they could care less about the state their skin. With the Hockey season just starting up, who has time to worry about skin care?

If you plan on going down to the pub to catch the game with your buddies, you should heed my advice and do your best to look good. Hey, you never know when you are going to meet Ms. Right! You should all know by now that we want a man who takes care of himself and puts some effort into his appearance.

Cleansing is important part of everyday skin care. Good old soap and water is better than using nothing at all, but hand soap is designed for use on hands. Feel your hands. I don't think anyone wants a face that feels like that. Why not try something new?

Take a trip down to your local pharmacy and have a look around. Or if you are too embarrassed and you already have a Mrs. Right, I'm sure she would be happy to pick something up for you. There are countless products available, and there is sure to be something right for you. Try to find something with minimal fragrance, so you aren't overpowering the ladies with your various scents.

Shaving is another thing that men don't give much thought to. Well, you ought to! Why have rough, razor-burned skin when you could be smooth? Trust me. The ladies like a man that is smooth, and that doesn't just apply to clichéd pick-up lines!

Always use a warm washcloth on your face before you shave. This will soften the hairs, and allow your pores to open up. And before you shave, make sure you have a decent razor. Those disposable razors should be disposed of once and for all! There are a number of new razors on the market that will provide you with a good, close shave. Be sure to use a quality shaving cream or gel, and be sure to moisturize when you are done.

As a young lady looking for Mr. Right, I know how important it is to find a man who takes care of himself. My mother always said you can tell a lot about a man by his appearance, and I couldn't agree more. Beyond that, your damned stubble hurts my face! See you out on the town, boys!

Alisha Burke loves going out with her friends. She enjoys shopping, shopping, and more shopping. When she is not shopping or hanging out with her friends, she writes for – an online resource dedicated to helping you care for your skin, with information about skin care, Proactiv, Eczema and more.
Dancing is often looked at as one of those things that guys just don't want to do and I get that.  However,  there are some who would suggest that knowing a little bit about dancing won't help you when it comes to getting women and you know what?

I've never really found that to be true.

I've found that it DOES help.

Not to say that you have to become excellent at it or even become one of those guys who just wants to get out and dance for the sake of dancing.

But,  if you want to take a woman out on a second or third date... it's really not a bad option.

And it isn't that bad for meeting women either.

Clubs are usually packed with women and even though they might not really be looking to hook up with anyone,  if you can slide in for a few dances and THEN get her talking afterwards... it's usually a good thing.

Yeah,  you can still be a bad boy and do a little dancing.  It won't kill your game,  in fact,  it might actually help it out a little bit.
You could say that just about all of your success with women will hinge on your ability to make conversation.  Unless you were born with movie star good looks and got a little gift from the gene fairy,  you are going to have to be able to hold a woman's attention while talking to her.  That's just the way that it goes and there is no sense in denying that reality.  If you are having a hard time making small talk with women,  chances are good that you are also having a hard time attracting women.  The two generally go hand in hand.

Making small talk with women is easy,  but only if you let it be easy.

If you feel like you have to always be on point with the things that you say,  chances are you are going to end up blowing it when you have the opportunity to talk to a woman,  simply because you are going to be putting way too much pressure on yourself.

It needn't be that way at all.

Here are some things that can get a little bit of small talk going:

  • Talk about music with her.  Most women love to talk about music,  so it's one of those topics that you can almost always use as a go to when you can't think of anything to say.
  • Talk about her hobbies and interests.  People like to talk about themselves,  they really do.  Getting a woman to open up about the things that she likes is one slick way to get a conversation going that she actually enjoys.
  • Talk to her about your hobbies and interests.  You want to come across like a guy who does things.  Not like a guy who lives a boring life.  So open up about the things that you like to do.  Just make sure that you don't make the entire conversation seem like you are trying to "sell" yourself to her.
  • Talk to her about nonsensical things.  This is a good way to keep a conversation light and funny.  It's a good way to show a woman that you are not some uptight guy who can't live a little.

Whenever a guy is having trouble attracting women,  he can use a little polishing up in the conversation department.  Take the time to make small talk with women just for the hell of it.  Just do it to have some fun,  gain experience,  and get a little bit better. 

It'll be worth it.
Here are two secrets many people don't know: 1. Women are a more attracted to smell than most men realize. 2. A person's sense of smell is one of the longest lasting memories we have. You may forget a face or a name, but you'll remember a smell for much, much longer. So finding a good Cologne is very important, especially if you are guy in the "dating scene."

How cologne is made

Cologne developers create their signature brands from nine scents, which are called "notes." Every cologne is made up of some combination of the following (which are listed from the lightest scents to the heaviest scents):

Citrus - very bright and light
Leather - very heavy and thick.

Polo Sport, for example, is primarily a dominant floral note while English Leather is a dominant leather note. Your father's Brut is a musk/powder combination.

How to buy cologne that is right for you

All too often, cologne is selected based on price, the shape of the bottle, and how it smells. But when you're shopping for cologne, you need to remember that your sense of smell can only detect three distinct smells before it gets overwhelmed and starts to report inaccurately to your brain.

Instead, you can shop for cologne much more easily: by pictures. Check out the advertising and see what kind of niche the cologne is marketing to: is it the rugged outdoorsman as advertised in an outdoor lifestyle magazine? Is it the active sports-lover in a magazine about basketball? Is it the suave urbane male in a men's fashion magazine? Cologne companies will market their brands to the type of person it is designed for. So if you are "going for a certain look," the marketing department of the cologne companies can help you select the right scent for you.

Just remember, it is not you that is going to be reacting to its smell. It's that beautiful woman who you want to enjoy it and with smell closely linked to memory, you want her to remember you for a long, long time!
Men's skin is shaven 6000 times over an average life time! So it is very important that men too look after their skin to avoid premature aging of the skin. After all, men like to look good too for as long as we can, don't we?

Shaving is a male thing, well for the most part any way. Around the age of 14 is usually the time when beards start to grow and the 'knife' comes out. These days it's a Gillette razor or some other brand.

There are some basic principles that all you men should know about their skin and how to best conquer the shaving process.

It sounds easy enough, hey just put some shaving gel on your face and using a razor, take it off again, simple, how hard could it be?

The problem is not that the act of shaving is in itself difficult, it's not, but unfortunately the skin can very much be a problem. If shaving is not done correctly, you could end up looking a bloody mess and have blotchy irritated skin and that is not a good look with which to impress the girls.

So, here's how to get it right from the start.

Before we start, shave in the shower. The warm water will open the facial pores and this promotes a better, closer shave. Also, there is less risk of nicks and cuts if your skin is warmed by the hot water in the shower.

Ok, let's get stated:

Step 1

An exfoliant; this gets rid of dead skin cells, which lifts your stubble and gives a closer shave, leafing your skin smooth and looking well groomed. Wildcrafted's Skin Renewal Gel is perfect for this job.

Step 2

Prepare the canvas; use the Vitalising Shaving Gel. This product combines pre-shave oiling of the skin and a shaving crème. This helps you to get a smooth shave and prevents nicks and cuts. Once you have applied Wildcrafted's Vitalising Shaving Gel to your face, work it into lather and start shaving.

Step 3

Shaving; the best razor is one that lets you use a light stroke and you don't need to push down too hard. Gillette's M3 fits the bill, but there are other's of similar quality. Using a brush will help lift the bristles and allow you to shave even closer, but your hands will do the job too.

Step 4

Nicks and cuts? Wildcrafted's Vitalising Shaving Gel leaves a residue on your skin even after you have finished shaving, which contains essential oils that disinfect and help repair the skin. Just leave it on your face while you finish having a shower, then rinse it off.

Step 5

Moisturise. This is a must. After you have finished your shower, apply the Ginseng Hydrator. If you have a shiny skin, use the Ginseng Hydrator for Oily skin, if it looks dry and or dull, use the Ginseng Hydrator for Dry skin, else use the one for Normal skin.

Step 6

Restore. Once a week, use a natural clay mask to help your skin heal from the taxing process of shaving. The Earth Medicine Facial Clay range contains soothing minerals and oils to calm shaving irritation.

So there you have it. Shaving is easy and painless, as long as you follow the steps above, you should not have any trouble getting your stubbles under control. Remember, use the shower to shave, it really does help immensely as well as save you time and also helps you to do a better job.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter – it’s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
Everyone has had to ask this question before. It's one of those taboo things that guys don't seem to want to ask; who knows why. What really gets me is that a lot of men don't actually know how to properly apply mens cologne.

That's right; you too may be wasting money and not getting the results you deserve from your chosen fragrance. Let's go over the best places on your body to spray some 'magic juice', as well as a few other things you should know.

You have probably sprayed cologne on your clothes at one time or another hoping that the smell would last. This is exactly the opposite of what you want to do. Clothes are not a hotspot and therefore will cause the smell of the pheromone to dissipate rapidly. Not only that, but by spraying cologne on your clothing you won't give the fragrance a chance to react with your body the way it is meant to.

What are these hotspots then? Hotspots are areas on your body that produce more heat than others. Some of these hotspots are also called pulse points. These include the wrists, neck, and back of ears. All of these points produce heat and allow the fragrance to react with your body. It is recommended that you apply your mens cologne to these points if you need to smell good for the night. Air will constantly hit the fragrance at these points, and the smell will not last as long as if applied to the other spots we will discuss below.

Why would I recommend you wear perfume on these spots if the smell might not last all day? It is really simple. When you go out at night you are usually leaning in and talking to women, etc. With the smell being out in the air as well as around your neck area, the aroma will be a little more "out there".

You are probably asking "then where do I apply a fragrance if I need the scent to last longer for work or something"? The answer is; since air will quench the scent faster, you want to wear your fragrance under your clothes. This will cause the scent to linger evenly through the day. The best hotspots for this are the wrists, chest area, back, and thighs.

The one thing that remains constant no matter what your situation, is don't overspray the perfume! Keep it subtle. Two to three sprays is all you need. Of course use your judgment, but too little is better than too much here. If you have 'splash' cologne that doesn't spray, just put your index finger over the bottle opening, and tip the bottle. That way you won't pour too much on.

Now there is no excuse for not wearing your mens cologne properly, or not wearing a pheromone at all!
If you're wondering what's so bad about yellow teeth then look at the mirror once more and tell me straight - what's so nice about it? Between yellow and white, why not go for the shiny kind of teeth? Why continue to suffer with yellow teeth when teeth whitening treatments can turn that into something that could rival Snowhite's skin?

The advantages to going for a teeth whitening treatment are endless. Let's talk about looks. Whether you like it or not, having good looks matter in this world. It can open up doors that were previously shut close to you. And having shiny white teeth is part of being good-looking. No matter that you have just about the best facial structure since Audrey Hepburn and you're blessed with a Barbie like figure, with yellow teeth, you're still not considered beautiful.

Besides looks, there are also career advantages you could enjoy when you go for a teeth whitening treatment. Employers are always on the lookout for decent looking employees who could be presented as models to look up to. White teeth is often taken as a sign of responsibility because taking good care of one's teeth is quite a hard - and often underestimated and undervalued - task and it's also seen as an indication of someone free from vices, nicotine in particular.

If you're inclined to say yes now to teeth whitening treatments, here are the options available to you.

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments - When I say professional, this means letting the dentist take over the teeth whitening treatment from point A to Z. This may also mean regular visits to the clinic until you achieve the proper whitening tone for your teeth. The effects of professional teeth whitening treatments are better than do it yourself treatments but they're also more expensive.

Do It Yourself Teeth Whitening Treatments - as you can already draw from the name itself, it's something that you can accomplish all by yourself. The effects may vary, depending on your ability to follow the instructions to the letter and on the amount of whitening solution used in the treatment. Less expensive than a professional treatment.