I know that deep down inside,  you are more than just a little bit curious about what it might be like if you were actually good at seducing women.  Sure,  there might be a part of you that seems to be skeptical about whether or not you have the skills to try and seduce a woman,  but you have to admit that it would be a lot of fun if you knew how to approach a woman and make her feel like she is totally attracted to you.

Here are 3 seduction tips that just can't be ignored if you want to get good at seducing women:

1.  You have to become a master at approaching women with confidence.

Don't feel like you have the confidence to approach a woman?  Well,  then you are going to have to build confidence with women because without it,  you really don't stand much of a chance.  Now,  just feeling confident is not enough to make women suddenly feel hot for you,  but not having any confidence around women is a sure way to end up losing any chance that you might have had of being able to hook up with her.

2.  Women want to be around guys who know how to have fun,  not guys who complain all of the time.

I used to hang out with this one guy once in a while and he was really bad when it came to women.  And while he would come up with all of these excuses for why that was,  most of the time it came down to the fact that he just wasn't that fun to be around.  So,  even if he did meet a woman,  she'd want to bail after talking to him for a few minutes because he was always finding something to complain about.

3.  Knowing what it takes to make a woman feel sexually attracted to you makes all of the difference.

What makes the difference between a guy who is good at being friends with women versus a guy who is really good at ending up in bed with women?  The ones that know how to get a woman into bed are able to make a woman feel sexually attracted to them.  If you can make a woman feel like she is really attracted to you on a sexually level,  seducing a woman isn't that difficult at all.

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